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TAJ MAHAL ( Incredible India )

The Taj Mahal represents the finest and most sophisticated example of Indian architecture.  It is an Ivory-white marble mausoleum on the south bank of the Yamuna river  in the Indian city of Agra. It was commissioned by the Mugal emperor, Shah Jahan to house the tomb of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. The tomb is the centrepiece of a 17 hectare complex, which includes a mosque and the guest house and is set in formal gardens bounded on three sides by a crenellated wall.

The main architect of the Taj Mahal is Ustad Ahmad Lahauri. It is built in Mugal architecture style.  Today it is one of the most famous and recognisable buildings in the world and is considered as one of the seven wonders of the world.   It took around 22 years for the construction of the Taj Mahal. The cost at which the Taj Mahal is made at that time is estimated to be Rs.32 million  rupees, which in 2000 2017 would be approximately Rs.52.8 billion. The construction construction project employed around 20,000 artisans under the guidance of a board of architects led by the main architect start I am  The construction construction project employed around 20,000 artisans under the guidance of a board of architects led by the main architect, Ustad Ahmad Lahauri.It is believed that the hands of the artisans were cut so that they could not build such a masterpiece again.

 The main attractions in the Taj Mahal are the following:

  •  Tomb

  • Exterior decorations

  • Interior decorations

  • Garden

  • Outlying buildings

Taj Mahal is epitome of true love and passion. It was the tradition of the Mugal Indians of erecting majestic mausoleums in the memory of the Royal member of the Mogul Empire.

The design of the Taj Mahal is similar to the humayun’s tomb built in 1562. The main building of the Taj Mahal is built with white marble, While the other The other complimentary buildings are made with red stone. The main architectural beauty of the Taj Mahal lies in its symmetrical structure, the Taj Mahal is symmetric. The dome in the Taj Mahal is elevated from the top of the building by a cylindrical base. It is completely made of white marbel which was brought from different parts of Asia. 

There are several minutes regarding Taj Mahal. The most widespread of them is that after the construction of Taj Mahal the Mugal emperor Shah Jahan ordered to cut the hands of the workers so that they could not reproduce the work they for him. It was also believe that after the construction of Taj Mahal Shah Jahan planed to build a similar black Taj Mahal but he could not finish it since his rule was overthrown by his son Aurangzeb.

Hence Taj Mahal is considered as one of the finest architecture of India built by the Mugals. It is the epitome of true love. Its beauty is enormous, therefore it is one of the 7 wonders of the world.

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