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Smallest house in the world 🏠

Smallest house in the world 🏠

The smallest house in the world is built by jeff Smith of Boston,  he is a builder, sculptor and a film maker .

* This home definitely have some severe limitations has it measures 7.2 feet by 3.5 feet inside.

* Smith wanted to keep it small enough to fit inside a regular size van for easy transport.

* The interior ceiling height is 38 inches which is just enough room to sit up.

 The title of smallest house might be a point of contention with the tiny home community but we all can agree on one thing that this place is very very small .

you enter the single room made of recycled materials through a reclaimed farm door sound or light comes through the pyrex gaps in both the sides the  place is set up with the sink and  the stovetop ,and the toilet is a hole leading to a solid waste system made up of kitty litter.

The bed is  simply the floor or the van in addition just and a blanket and pillow .
There's a charming when the box filled with fresh Eruca Sativa ( a edible plant , used as a leaf vegetable for its fresh peppery flavour ).

The shower is a clear body size container made from thermoplastic sheet  material that resembles a advanced futuristic 

Its outer  appearances is like a  green coloured van , with stripes on it and a few Windows .

Smith says when people think of tiny house , they think of freedom not paying rent being able to pick up and move it any time but with the smallest house we have ever seen you pick it up and move it with you.

There are even many more tiny houses but they do not fulfil all needs or basic facilities of a house , so many people consider this house built by jeff Smith as smallest house in the world.

Would you like to spent a few days in that house 🏠 ?? 
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