Royal Craft Architect is the original home for all architecture information and architectural trends,here we provide you information for architects and other people interested in history and amazing features of famous monuments and structures worldwide and much more that may help you.

Career Opportunities in Architecture

Students in the field of architecture developer highdevel of designing and creativity, there are many opportunities open for them related to their degree

Job options

Jobs related directly to their degree 

1) Architect
2) Architectural technologist
3) CAD technician
4) Interior designer
5) Urban designer

Jobs where your degree will be useful 

1) Estates manager
2) landscape architect
3) historic building inspector
4) structural engineer
5) building surveyor
6) commercial surveyor
7) VFX artist
8) home planner
And much more

Duties of architects
* To meet with clients and determine objectives and requirements for structures.
* Give preliminary estimate on cost and construction time.
* Manage all the construction contracts.
* prepare the drawings either with computer software or by hand.
* Prepare the specifications of the structure.
* Prepare contract document for building contractors.
* Making regular visits to the work sites.
*Seeking new project by marketing and presentations.

Attaining a bachelor degree in architecture is is the first step for becoming an architect. It is a five year bachelor of architecture degree and moreover you can also attend a master degree which can take additional 1-5 years. Bachelor degree consist of architectural history and theory, CAD designing, structure construction methods and much more.


All state architectural registration boards require architecture graduates to complete a lightly paid internship generally lasting three years before they file in architect registration examination. Most of the graduates complete their internship under the architectural companies or work under existing architects.

Licenses , certificate and registeration 

All architect are necasnece to b licenced, being licensed include having a bachelor degree of architecture ,having required experience to a paid internship and passing the architect registration examination.

Further advancements

Some architect advance to become the managers the field of architecture and engineering.these managers only coordinates the activities of the employees and may work only on the larger construction projects.

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